Monday, April 20, 2009

Wall Insulation

As I mentioned Saturday, we were able to get started on the wall insulation.  In just a few hours yesterday, I was able to get almost a quarter of the wall insulation done.  I still have the "partial" cavities to do, but I am making good progress.

I went around and put some of that spray insulation in the holes where the wires for the exterior lights go through the sheathing, and also around the back of the exterior outlet boxes.  Just to cut down on the breeze coming through the wall.

And, I decided that the "nailers" (extra studs in the corners of the walls for nailing drywall) on the exterior walls created a "void" that I would be able to insulate behind, and so I decided to turn them sideways in order to eliminate those voids.

So, we can honestly say we are "started" on the wall insulation.  I'm sort of putzing along, but it is starting to go a little faster as I work.

Glad to say that my family has come back to Ohio for the week.  Hopefully, we'll all be able to do some work this week, and we'll get at least all of the walls insulated in just another few days.  Cheap labor...

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