Saturday, April 18, 2009

Insulation Started...

Today, I haven't worked hard all day -- took a little break...

I couldn't help but take a picture of the used cans of spray insulation -- Look like a herd of aliens or something -- "Pick me, Pick me"...

But, I did get some work done...  First, my son did some more of those reinforcing straps on the top of the walls.  And, I started the work on the R13 insulations in the walls.  After fighting with the utility knife, I took a few minutes to make myself a "knife" out of a piece of the aluminum corner cap I hadn't thrown away yet.  It looks sort of like a butcher knife -- I put a board on the ground, and a 2x4 on top of that, and then laid the insulation on top of that, and another 2x4, and then I used the knife like a saw...  It worked great...

And, here is the wall -- I've decided to do the "easy" cavities first, and whatever I don't finish before my guys get here this week, they can finish...

And, yes, I know I'm supposed to fold the paper over the 2x4, but my drywall guy specifically told me not to so he can glue the drywall in place (in addition to the screws).  I'm not concerned about a continuous vapor barrier there because I have 2 continuous vapor barriers on the outside of the sheathing (both a house wrap AND the foam insulation with a mylar coating on both sides).

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