Saturday, April 25, 2009

Loose Ends Before Drywall...

Trying to get some of the last minute details finished up before the insulation is finished so that I'll be ready for drywall by then...

Worked on the blocking in the walls today -- still have a lot to do, but I have worked out a pretty good solution.  We bought some more 2x4's today for that, and also the plywood -- hope it's enough!

And, I wanted to add some extra strength to the ceiling fan boxes, and I've got two more of those to finish.

We have the bottom front wall to finish putting these straps on the studs / sill plate.

My wife worked on staining the window grilles again today.  She has done the front of all of them now, and has to finish the back (which will show outside)...

We did get the rest of the 1.5" insulation sheets delivered today, so now I should have everything we need to get from here to drywall!

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