Monday, April 27, 2009

Blocking and Burned out Motor

While working on cutting boards for blocking in the walls, my table saw motor burned up, so I am getting a replacement motor.  My dad happened to have a motor that will work (probably better than the one that was on the saw), so I am looking forward to getting that by UPS on Wednesday this week.  Thank you, Dad...

Meanwhile, I was able to put several of the pieces into the various walls, and I started going around measuring all the various wire locations in the walls, and also the "stud" locations in each wall...  Also taking pictures of each wall so I will have both a catalog of this information as well as photo records.

My wife finished the staining of the window frames and the grilles, but we will have to do the windows themselves later.  They can be taken out to do them in the workshop later on...

Things continue to "crawl" along at snails pace, but we are still moving forward...

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