Thursday, April 9, 2009

Preparation for Inspection

I'm sure you're about as tired of reading about us getting ready for rough in inspection as I am of writing it...  We're really getting close, but we still have more things do finish even after the inspection before we can have the drywall started (such as insulation)...  We can't start insulation until the rough in inspection is done, though...

So, the last couple of days, we have finally finished getting all the outdoor outlets and light boxes installed in the siding!  And, we also bought and installed the light fixtures in the shower enclosures.  We also had our electricians back to finish a couple of minor things like wiring the shower lights and the outdoor lights.  Tomorrow, I'll try to get a picture of the outdoor light boxes as they are unique, and they provide a nice flat surface to mount the lights on...

And, we are just about finished with the extra "trim" we had to put around the whirlpool to fix the problem where I had miscalculated the decking height...  I think that will turn out too look good, and I know it will fix the problem, and allow us to have the plumbing (finally) connected on the whirlpool!

So, things have dragged along, but we are finally starting to get things moving forward toward insulation and drywall...

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