Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tax Cut to 95% of America? Is He Serious?

So, President Obama claims he has delivered his promised tax cut to 95% of Americans?  Where is it?

And you say you're helping American's by cutting taxes -- raising tax on tobacco affects a lot of Americans.  Cap and trade policies will raise (probably double) most of our energy costs -- may not be actually a "tax", but it will cost most American's a lot of money.

Our hard earned money is not like peanut butter that you "spread around"...

American's are a generous people.  If their neighbor needs something, generally speaking, American's will help -- with food or money or clothes.  Charity is about voluntarily helping people...  Government "spreading the wealth around" is not voluntary and it is not charity.

If Obama thinks he is going to change our opinions by getting on TV or the internet making clever speeches (with a bunch of "uh's"), then he must really think we're stupid!  I think we're just a little smarter than that...

Transparency?  Did you say you will have the most transparent administration in American history?

This is like one big "Presidential Shell Game"...  Where's the money?

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