Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wall Insulation, Etc

Update: Added pictures below -- my descriptions may not have done the job without pictures...

Well, I am still just sort of putzing along, but making progress...  We are now a little more than half done putting in the wall insulation, and that really won't take that much longer.

I have also done some other things -- just sort of whatever I feel like...  I had some wires that I still needed to run...  I changed my mind where to put the future intercom in the master bedroom, so had to run a wire.  The intercom system that I would like to get (someday) requires power to each keypad (because the keypads also have audio amplification capability for whole house Audio/Video), so I ran almost all of those wires.  Several could have been run later, and the three that I didn't get done because I ran out of wire can be accessed from the attic, so I will likely wait to finish those.

We have also continued to make progress nailing those reinforcement straps on the tops of the walls -- still have more to do...  It wouldn't take long if I just ignored everything else, and did that one job...

I also have been planning to put some blocking in walls for hanging pictures, etc, so, I cut a 2x4 down and put a notch in it so that I can use my nailer to put it in the wall, and then a piece of half inch plywood will set right in the notch.  That way, I can use the nailer and an electric stapler, and get those done in a hurry...

Here are two 2 foot sections of the 2x2 that I cut the corners out of (front corner is for the plywood -- back corner is for any wires that happen to be running up the stud)...
Here is a wall that I put some 1' sections into -- just to make sure my nailer wasn't going to split the 2x2 too badly.  Seemed to work great!

I can work on several of these things when my guys come later this week or next week to work on the ceiling insulation -- prior to drywall, but I wanted to figure out what I'm going to do while I have the time...

Also made a neat "jig" to cut the insulation lengthwise...  I set two 2x2's down (attached about 1/2 inch apart), and then I lay the insulation on top of them (positioning where I want the cut over top of the 1/2 crack), then use another 2x4 on top of them to compress the insulation -- actually, I put one on each side, and then use my homemade "knife" or "saw" to just cut it...  I'm sure the pro's have something similar, but I'm not a pro, and I didn't want to spend money on a tool I'll only need for a week or two...

Here are the 2x2's on the ground -- the third one is just to give me something to set the 2x4 on top of... 
Here is the insulation with the 2x4 on top of it -- I added some boards on the ends to hold this 2x4 down for me -- hard to hold it and cut at the same time...

Here is the 2 inch piece cut off -- for some of those places where the stud ended up right beside a door / window...

Anyway, my family is here this week, but yesterday and today, the kids had to go take the standardized achievement tests, so it has been a little lonely -- can't even talk with my wife on the phone as she is a volunteer proctor for the testing!  So, I'm putzing around and drinking a lot of coffee...

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