Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ceiling Insulation

Well, I had two guys (who work for my drywall guy) come and work on the insulation in the ceiling today.  They worked around 4-5 hours, and probably have 90% of it done.  They skipped over the parts that have to be cut and pieced in, so they are almost finished, but not quite...

I have also set up for two of my Amish friends to come and work on Friday and Saturday of this week to put up the 1.5" foam insulation and the firring strips.  It will be interesting to see how long that will take...  I have to get those firring strips cut to length and I would really like to get the holes drilled in those before John and Elmer come on Friday...  That will be a lot of work particularly because I won't get the replacement motor for the table saw until tomorrow (probably late afternoon).

My wife and two of our kids went back to Tennessee today, so Kendrick and I are here alone now.  It was nice to have the family here, but there are things they need to do back in Tennessee, too...

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