Thursday, April 16, 2009

Insulation, Vacuum System Wire, Speaker Wire

Well, today I was able to complete the vacuum system wiring -- the low-voltage wire that turns the unit on and off when the hose is plugged in / unplugged.  So, another task checked off the list...

We have a couple of rooms that I didn't finish the speaker wire in earlier, but I bought wire today, and will hopefully will be able to get this done in a day or two.  I have more than half of the rooms done, and some of them are accessible from the attic in case I decide to wait and do them later -- though, it is so much easier to just do it now while the walls and ceiling are open...

And, I went back to Home Depot to get the last load of the fiberglass insulation, so I have almost all the materials here now to get through to drywall.  I am waiting on the foam insulation -- a bit frustrated to find that the company was claiming it would be 2-3 more weeks!  Outrageous since I called the guy 2 weeks ago.  I think it just didn't get ordered when I first called him.

Anyway, I am going to be pressuring him to get the company to rush the order, so we'll see what happens...

I also bought some metal strapping to use to reinforce the wall headers to the studs.  I just didn't like the fact that the roof is attached to the wall header boards, and each stud just has two nails into the ends (which is relatively weak because it is with the grain), and then the sheathing and wallboard are the only additional thing attaching the roof to the foundation.  I suppose I should do the same thing at the bottoms of the wall, and I may...  But, I did get the metal strap today, and the roofing nails go through it just great, so I will feel just a little more secure when / if there is tornado weather...

And, last but not least, the drywall clips for the ceiling were supposed to be delivered today, but there was a "delivery exception" -- no attempt was made (according to the website), so those should get here tomorrow.

So, I once again have PLENTY of work to keep me busy this weekend and next week.  I am having my drywall guy come in next week to help with insulation, but whatever I have done will be great to have done...  Just that much less labor to pay...

So, even though I didn't get a whole lot done today, I sure feel like I did...  Now to actually do all these little jobs I have lined up for myself!

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