Friday, May 1, 2009

Firring Strips...

Well, two of my Amish friends came back for a half day today (one wasn't feeling well -- let's hope it's not some odd strain of the flu)...

They were on stilts, and so I was running around making sure they had everything they needed (since it is difficult to reach the ground on 4 foot stilts), and making sure each room was ready for them to go work in...

They were able to get a few screws in each strip for nearly all the rooms -- all the big rooms.  That way, I can go around now and finish the screws without having to get the strips in place, etc.  So, I have now finished putting all the screws in the family room, living room, dining room, entry way, kitchen, laundry room, pantry, half bath, library, office, and master bedroom.  The strips are ready (but not all the screws) in two of the kids bedrooms.  They were not able to finish the strips in one of the kids bedrooms, both full baths (and vanity areas), and the master closet...

I am trying to first get all the screws in the strips that are already up, but then I'll have to put the strips up in the remaining rooms...  Probably needing some help from my son just trying to get them straight, etc...

John left his stilts here, and I could wear them, but it is very difficult to get accustomed to walking around in them -- let alone trying to carry a heavy cordless drill, screws, hammer, etc...  So, I have opted to just move the step ladders around instead...

Here are some pictures...  It is really looking like a house now, and I have also noticed that (with no air conditioning on), the garage is extremely hotter than the house!  It rained all night, so the house was cooled down, and it really has stayed really nice in there all day long even though it is very hot in the garage...

Unfortunately, I have dropped a hammer a few times, and made chips in the floor.  That is a pain, but things will be dropped, and the concrete will chip -- that's life...  We do live in a very imperfect world!  Our floor (and everything else in our house) will be a testament to that fact!

However, this is also a wonderful reminder that we are "looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ"! (v.13 from Titus 2:11-13)  There is coming a day when we (who know this Savior) will no longer be living in this imperfect world!

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