Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drywall Hung!

Well, today has been a long and busy day!  I'll just say that earlier this week, I had a little problem, and had to make a change...

Today, my new drywall guy had a crew come in and hang the drywall.  They have finished the garage (the ceiling and the firewall -- I didn't want the outside walls finished out with drywall).  They have 95% of the interior finished now also, and they are still working.  They arrived at around 9AM, and boy have they worked!

Yes, they are a crew of three Mexicans, and they are all the nicest guys (from what little we can understand ;)

The mudding is to start tomorrow, and will take about half of next week, followed by the texturing for the ceilings, and then the priming...  They plan to tint the primer for each color, and then we'll have an easier time covering the primer with fewer coats of paint.

The painting should take part of the following week, so we should be less than two weeks out from having the painting finished!  You can imagine that we are pretty excited!  We will then have the cabinets and trim to do...  Of course, there will be a lot of things that come up, I'm sure, but we are really starting to get close!

I spent today trying to move things from one part of the garage to the other (as they did the garage ceiling so they could move their stands, etc).  I also had to help with the garage door hangers because I used nuts and bolts instead of lag bolts (don't ask me why)...

Then, I've also been sweeping out the finished rooms so I can lay the heavy brown paper down in the rooms to protect the floors from the mud.  We don't want them scraping that up!  I have all the paper laid except for the kitchen, living room, dining room, hall way, and half bath.  I guess I also have to do the pantry and laundry room -- had forgotten them :(  That sounds like a lot, but I did the entire master suite (library, office, bedroom, closet, bath, and vanity area) in just a few hours yesterday...  I really need to finish the rest tonight, and considering the time, that may be difficult.

So, we're getting ready to take a trip back to Tennessee -- probably leaving Saturday.

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