Monday, July 13, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours!

And it definitely poured Saturday morning!  More on that later...

Made some good progress on the stairway handrail this weekend.  It isn't finished yet, but at least I know what I'm going to do.  This stairway is in the storage room leading to the attic, so it doesn't have to be finished quite like an interior stairway.

I plan to actually use a 2x4 for the rail itself, ripped down to a 2x2 (actually 1.5 x 1.5 inches), and then rounding the corners off.  I will use a 4x4 as a newel at the bottom for the rail to end at.

Then when it was about time to wind down for the night, we discovered that the sump pump float switch had gotten stuck, and the heavy rain had flooded the basement floor -- about 4 inches, maybe a little more.

There was a lot of stuff down there, but a lot of it was up off the ground far enough to not get wet.  There were some things that were ruined, and that is a pain, but the water heater, the well pump, and the radiant heat water tank were all up off the ground far enough to not be affected.

We ended up spending a good part of Sunday afternoon bringing things upstairs and cleaning them off the best we could -- us with mud all over us, too...

So, we made some real progress this weekend, but we had to take some of our time to just deal with another one of those frustrations that happens in life...

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