Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vent Pipe and Deck Skirting

Well, the work is definitely starting to slow down here as we near completion... There is still more to do, and today we were able to make a little more progress.

We now have just one more of the boards to put around the deck as skirting, and that part will be finished -- well, with the exception of gluing the decorative railing top down. Trivial job once I get to it... Maybe yet today -- who knows...

And, we found out that a metal roof with 6-12 pitch is very difficult to scale, and so my dare-devil son volunteered. We threw a rope over the top and he tied it around himself (trying to keep from strangulating himself), and he went up, drilled the hole with a hole saw. Then, after I put the vent pipe through, he put the boot over the pipe and caulked it, and then screwed the boot down in several places. So, now to wait for rain and see if it leaks... I should note that we had one partially used clear caulk, but it was clogging up, and simply would not squeeze out. So, we decided to go ahead and switch to a new one which was white. We had no more clear, and the clouds were quite ominous, so we didn't feel we could afford to wait.

So, right now, it looks a little like Big Bird landed on our vent pipe... There is a nice size white splotch that he had trouble trying to clean up without it just smearing even worse... As long as it doesn't leak -- that's the main thing! Sorry, but I'm just not going to put any pictures of Big Bird's mess on the internet! You'll just have to come visit if you really want to see it ;)

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