Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baseboard Done!

Well, I have worked on baseboard the last three days, a nd I was able to get it completed today.  For the most part, it looks really nice.  There are always places where things happen -- wallboard is bulges, concrete has a hill or a dip, or I made some minor error -- cut a board just a little short.  Most of the problems are either in closets or in corners that won't be seen much.  There nine splices altogether, but they are almost all in places where people won't see them.

On the bright side, I had only a small pile of scrap pieces -- I was able to use most of them up as I went.  I have six uncut pieces of baseboard left!  I do have the storage room that I could put baseboard in and the computer server room.  These rooms are not finished yet (no wallboard, spackle, paint, etc).  I do have wallboard left that I can do some or all of those rooms, and if/when I do, I can use the baseboard I have left.

Next, I'll be moving on to the remaining windows.  I have done two of them, and I have eleven remaining.  These should not take all that much time, but there are some precision cuts where I have to notch out the sills where they will rest against the wallboard.  These are extended jambs, and so the sill extends in about an inch to the window itself.

There are some other odds and ends that I've been addressing also.  I worked on the removable panels that will go around the whirlpool.  The ones behind the whirlpool -- in the master bedroom -- are done, but the ones in the bathroom on the front side of the whirlpool are not finished yet.  I have one of them done enough to test fit, and I'm working on sanding it down so it fits better before we paint it.  It is basically a piece of wallboard framed using 1x2s.  We plan to paint the whole thing the color of the bathroom walls.  The top will slide up behind a piece of trim, and drop down behind the baseboard that I have going around the whirlpool.

We are anticipating the kitchen and master bathroom cabinets being installed this weekend, but our communication with the Amish has been difficult...

Tune in again, and maybe I'll have some pictures of windows and baseboard along with the door trim, etc...

1 comment:

Dale said...

Remember a little caulk covers a multitude of 'trim' sins! :)

- Dale